master pieces collection

Antique & vintage

Masterpieces collected regardless of age or nationality. We do not create new ones, but enrich our daily lives by connecting existing masterpieces to the next generation.

​ 年代や国籍を問わず集められたMASTERPIECES。 私たちは新しいものを作るのではなく、既存の傑作を次世代につなげることで日常生活を豊かにします。

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France / Belginum / Germany and more

Vintage wacth

Mainly Switzerland 1960-1980


Japanese Primitive

France / Belginum / Germany and more


Gem of the times when traveling in Europe and meeting. We collect items that should be left for the next generation, from designer items to unknown items, through our own filters. ​


our products

Mainly Switzerland 1960-1980

Vintage watch

A wristwatch that has colored the times and ticked the time. We mainly select Swiss watches with history and trust. I am fascinated by the richness of vintage and antique watches. It is an increasingly attractive world that has not changed over time. ​

時代を彩り、時を刻んできた腕時計。歴史と信頼のスイスウォッチを中心にセレクトしています。ヴィンテージ、アンティークウォッチならではの奥ゆかしさに心が惹かれます。 時代を超えても変わらず、益々魅力ある世界です。

our products

art and craft

Objet d' art

I believe that the Japanese can play more in Japan by pursuing the technique of ”Mitate". We will introduce works with unique aesthetics ​

「ミタテ」のテクニックを追求することで、日本人は日本をもっと遊び尽くせると私は信じています。 独特の美学を持った作品を紹介し、新たな価値を生み出すことは持続可能な暮らしの豊かさに繋がります。

our products